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Jeera Rice - Indian Cumin Rice Recipe

Jeera Rice is an aromatic rice dish that is a superb accompaniment with any veg or non-veg side dish. I personally feel that Mutton Curry and Jeera Rice make the ultimate combination if you are looking for some simple flavoursome meal. My husband is so partial to this combination that each time when he signs off and returns home, he strongly insists on having these two prepared on the day he arrives.

I see people cooking Jeera Rice usually with oil. However, I personally prefer to make it with ghee, merely owing to the wonderful ghee and jeera flavour that the final product releases.

Jeera Rice - Indian Cumin Rice Recipe


  • Basmati Rice - 2 cups
  • Bay leaves - 2 nos.
  • Cinnamon - 1 one inch stick
  • Green cardamoms - 4-5
  • Cloves - 4-5
  • Ghee - 4 tbsp.
  • Cumin seeds - 2 tsp.
  • Salt as per taste


Wash and soak rice for 30 minutes. Drain.

Heat ghee and add bay leaves, cinnamon, green cardamoms, cloves and cumin seeds. Stir well.

Add rice and stir well so that ghee covers all the grains.

Add water and salt. Cover and cook till done.

