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Customize Blogger Cookies Notification Bar

Blogger Cookies notification bar is popup that will show up if our blog being accessed inside Europe Country Region.

This bar come up as follow up GDPR which stand for General Data Protection Regulation and and is data protection law in the EU, which comes into force from May 2018.

The aim of the GDPR is to give citizens of the EU control over their personal data and change the approach of organizations across the world towards data privacy. The GDPR provides much stronger rules than existing laws and is much more restrictive than the “EU cookie law.”

For instance, users must confirm that their data can be collected, there must a clear privacy policy showing what data is going to be stored, how it is going to be used, and provide the user a right to withdraw the consent to the use of personal data (consequently deleting the data), if required.

Customize Blogger Cookies Notification Bar

Blogger automatically added the EU Cookie Notification on our blogs to help meet these regulations. The notice explains how Blogger Cookies, as well as the use of Google Analytics and Adwords Cookies. This will only be shown to visiors within the EU, and will disappear when the user clicks “Got it”.

Read What is GDPR and How Impacts to Our Blog for more detail.

Since its notification only shows up inside EU citizen, we cant see that bar if we live outside EU region. But, thereis a trick to see the notice. Go to our blog address and change the country code by adding  ?gl=[countrycode] to the end of the url . For example

Customize the text shown in the blogspot cookies notification

1. Go to Template > Edit HTML and find </head>

2. Above </head> place the script below

<script type="text/javascript"> 

  cookieOptions = { 

    msg: "This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services, to personalise ads and to analyse traffic. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies.", 

    link: "", 

    close: "Okay!", 

    learn: "Learn More" }; 


3. Edit the text value in between quotes of each msg, link, close, and learn, then save your template. 

If we have added other blog features that set cookies, such as including third-party analytics services, plugin, etc, we’ll need to provide additional or a different notice. It is our responsibility to tell what our blog cookie use, and what else would be appropriate. If we choose to use a different notice, be sure its still comply with Google’s EU user policy.

We can remove that Cookies Notification Bar if we want to, but its our responsibility as content creator to avoid penalties of GDPR by telling our visitor about cookies.

Completely Remove Blogspot Cookies Notification

Simply replace script code above with below code

<script type="text/javascript"> 

  cookieChoices = {}; 


Change Cookies Notification Bar to Bottom

By default the notification bar is located at the top, if we have a fixed element at the top, it might not be visible because it is covered by the element. therefore we need to move it to the bottom with the following CSS code and Add it above ]] </b:skin> in Template > Edit HTML.

.cookie-choices-info {position: fixed; top: auto !important; bottom: 0px !important;}

Some futher Reading: Blogger Help Support
